Thursday, July 4, 2024

macos – Tips on how to override or disable launch brokers in /System/Library/LaunchAgents?

There is a longstanding and widely-reported difficulty with an Apple course of (photolibraryd) that retains making a file known as Photographs Library.photoslibrary within the trash each couple of minutes. The method is launched as directed by /System/Library/LaunchAgents/

This listing is uneditable. I noticed a remark in an Apple discussion board about copying a plist from there to /Library/LaunchAgents and modifying it there, however there was no rationalization as to why this might work. Does the system learn this listing first after which disregard identically-named plists discovered beneath /System?

And if that’s the case, how can I specify a “useless finish” or do-nothing motion within the copied plist? I did strive copying it there and specifying a nonexistent lib in its “program” aspect, however that had no impact.

I am probably not concerned with app-specific workarounds to the photo-library drawback. Utilizing fs_usage, I caught this course of hammering the trash folder tons of or 1000’s of occasions a second with getattr and different status-checking instructions. I’ve no want of any Photographs-related performance, and due to this fact I don’t need this wasteful habits to proceed even when I can redirect it away from the trash.

On @Alexander ‘s suggestion I attempted launchctl, however that resulted in:

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotoLibraryServices.framework/Variations/A/Assist/photolibraryd
Unload failed: 5: Enter/output error

The terminal message then prompt utilizing launchctl bootout. So I’ve now disabled SIP and finished these:

launchctl bootout gui/501/

launchctl disable gui/501/

Aaaand now that I’ve restarted and run for some time, that did not work both.

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