Thursday, July 4, 2024

Constructing a Serverless Analytics App to Seize and Question Clickstream Information

One of the simplest ways to reply questions on person conduct is usually to assemble knowledge. A standard sample is to trace person clicks all through a product, then carry out analytical queries on the ensuing knowledge, getting a holistic understanding of person conduct.

In my case, I used to be curious to get a pulse of developer preferences on a number of divisive questions. So, I constructed a easy survey and gathered tens of hundreds of information factors from builders on the Web. On this publish, I’ll stroll by way of how I constructed an online app that:

  • collects free-form JSON knowledge
  • queries dwell knowledge with SQL
  • has no backend servers

To remain centered on amassing click on knowledge, we’ll maintain the app’s design easy: a single web page presenting a sequence of binary choices, on which clicking will file the customer’s response after which show dwell mixture outcomes. (Spoiler alert: you’ll be able to view the outcomes right here.)


Creating the static web page

Holding with the spirit of simplicity, we’ll use vanilla HTML/CSS/JS with a little bit of jQuery to construct the app’s frontend. Let’s begin by laying out the HTML construction of the web page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <title>The Binary Survey</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script> 
    <div id="header">
      <h1>The Binary Survey</h1>
      <p>Powered with ❤️ by <b><a href="">Rockset</a></b></p>
      <h3>Settle the controversy round crucial developer points!<br><br>We have surveyed <span id="rely">...</span> builders. Now it is your flip.</h3>
    <div id="physique"></div>

Word that we left the #physique factor empty—we’ll add the questions right here utilizing Javascript:

// [left option, right option, key]
  ['tabs', 'spaces', 'tabs_spaces'],
  ['vim', 'emacs', 'vim_emacs'],

operate loadQuestions() {    
  for (var i = 0; i < QUESTIONS.size; i++) {
      <div id="q' + i + '" class="query"> 
        <div id="q' + i + '-left" class="possibility option-left">' + QUESTIONS[i][0] + '<div class="option-stats"></div></div> 
        <div class="spacer"></div> 
        <div class="immediate"> 
          <div>⟵ (press h)</div> 
          <div class="centered">vote to see outcomes</div> 
          <div>(press l) ⟶</div> 
        <div class="outcomes"> 
          <div class="bar left"><div class="stats"></div></div> 
          <div class="bar proper"><div class="stats"></div></div> 
        <div id="q' + i + '-right" class="possibility option-right">' + QUESTIONS[i][1] + '<div class="option-stats"></div></div> 

    $('#q' + i + '-left').click on(handleClickFalse(i));
    $('#q' + i + '-right').click on(handleClickTrue(i));

operate handleClickFalse(index) {
  // ...

operate handleClickTrue(index) {
  // ...

By including the questions with Javascript, we solely have to write down the HTML and occasion handlers as soon as. We are able to even alter the record of questions at any time by simply modifying the worldwide variable QUESTIONS.

Accumulating customized JSON knowledge

Now, we now have a webpage the place we need to observe person clicks—a basic case of product analytics. In reality, if we have been instrumenting an current internet app as a substitute of constructing from scratch, we’d simply begin at this step.

First, we’ll determine how one can mannequin the information we need to acquire as JSON objects, after which we are able to retailer them in an information backend. For our knowledge layer we are going to use Rockset, a service that accepts JSON knowledge and serves SQL queries, throughout a REST API.

Information mannequin

Since our survey has questions with solely two selections, we are able to mannequin every response as a boolean—false for the left-side alternative and true for the right-side alternative. A customer could reply to any variety of questions, so a customer who prefers areas and makes use of vim ought to generate a file that appears like:

  'tabs_spaces': true,
  'vim_emacs': false

With this mannequin, we are able to implement the clicking handlers from above to create and ship this practice JSON object to Rockset:

let vote = {};
const ROCKSET_SERVER = '';
const ROCKSET_APIKEY = '...';

operate handleClickFalse(index) {
  return () => { applyVote(index, false) };

operate handleClickTrue(index) {
  return () => { applyVote(index, true) };

operate applyVote(index, worth) {
  vote[QUESTIONS[index][2]] = worth;

operate saveVote() {
  // Save to Rockset
    url: ROCKSET_SERVER + '/ws/demo/collections/binary_survey/docs',
    headers: {'Authorization': 'ApiKey ' + ROCKSET_APIKEY,
    sort: 'POST',
    knowledge: JSON.stringify(vote)

In apply, ROCKSET_APIKEY needs to be set to a price obtained by logging into the Rockset console. The Rockset assortment which is able to retailer the paperwork (on this case demo.binary_survey) will also be created and managed within the console.

Updating current responses

Our code up to now has a shortcoming: take into account what occurs when a customer clicks “areas” then clicks “vim.” First, we are going to ship a doc with the response for the primary query. Then we’ll ship one other doc with responses for 2 questions. These get saved as two separate paperwork! As an alternative we would like the second doc to be an replace on the primary.

With Rockset, we are able to remedy this by giving our paperwork a constant _id area, which is handled as the first key of a doc in Rockset. We’ll generate this area as a random identifier for the customer on web page load:

operate onPageLoad() {
  vote['_id'] = 'person' + Math.flooring(Math.random() * 2**32);

Now let’s run by way of the earlier state of affairs once more. When the online web page hundreds, the “vote” object will get seeded with an ID:

  "_id": "user739701703"

When the customer clicks a alternative for one of many questions, a boolean area is added:

  "_id": "user739701703",
  "tabs_spaces": true

The customer can proceed so as to add extra responses:

  "_id": "user739701703",
  "tabs_spaces": false,
  "vim_emacs": true

And even replace earlier responses:

  "_id": "user739701703",
  "tabs_spaces": true,
  "vim_emacs": true

Each time the response adjustments, the JSON is saved as a Rockset doc and, as a result of the _id area matches, any earlier response for the present customer is overwritten.

Saving state throughout classes

We’ll add yet one more enhancement to this: for guests who go away the web page and are available again later, we need to maintain their responses. In a full-blown app we could have an authentication service to ascertain classes, a customers desk to persist IDs in, or perhaps a international frontend state to handle the ID. For a splash web page that anybody can go to, such because the survey we’re constructing, we could not have any earlier context for the person. On this case, we’ll simply use the browser’s native storage to keep up the customer’s ID.

Let’s modify our Javascript code to implement this mechanism:

const ROCKSET_SERVER = '';
const ROCKSET_APIKEY = '...';

operate handleClickFalse(index) {
  return () => { applyVote(index, false) };

operate handleClickTrue(index) {
  return () => { applyVote(index, true) };

operate applyVote(index, worth) {
  let vote = loadVote();
  vote[QUESTIONS[index][2]] = worth;

operate loadVote() {
  let vote;

  // Deal with and reset malformed vote
  strive {
    vote = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('vote'));
  } catch {
    vote = null;

  // Set _id if unassigned
  if (!vote || !vote['_id']) {
    vote = {};
    vote['_id'] = 'person' + Math.flooring(Math.random() * 2**32);

  return vote;

operate saveVote(vote) {
  // Save to native storage
  localStorage.setItem('vote', JSON.stringify(vote));

  // Save to Rockset
    url: ROCKSET_SERVER + '/ws/demo/collections/binary_survey/docs',
    headers: {'Authorization': 'ApiKey ' + ROCKSET_APIKEY,
    sort: 'POST',
    knowledge: JSON.stringify(vote)

Information-driven app: aggregations on the fly

At this level, we have created a static web page and instrumented it to gather customized click on knowledge. Now let’s put it to make use of! This typically takes one in every of two types:

  • an inside dashboard informing product selections or triggering alerts round uncommon conduct
  • a user-facing function to boost a data-driven product

Our survey’s use case falls beneath the latter: as an incentive to reply questions for curious guests, we’ll reveal the dwell outcomes of every query upon clicking a alternative.

To implement this, we’ll write Javascript code to name Rockset’s question API. We need to ship a SQL question that appears like:

    ARRAY_CREATE(COUNT_IF("tabs_spaces"), COUNT("tabs_spaces")) AS q0, 
    ARRAY_CREATE(COUNT_IF("vim_emacs"), COUNT("vim_emacs")) AS q1, 
    # ...
    rely(*) AS complete 
FROM demo.binary_survey

The response will probably be a JSON object with counts for every query (rely of “true” responses and complete rely of responses), together with a rely of distinctive guests.

  "q0": [
  "q1": [
  "q2": [
  "complete": 212

We are able to parse this knowledge and set attributes on HTML parts to relay the outcomes to the customer. Let’s write this out in Javascript:

const ROCKSET_SERVER = '';
const ROCKSET_APIKEY = '...';
const QUERY = '...';

operate refreshResults() {
    url: ROCKSET_SERVER + '/queries',
    headers: {'Authorization': 'ApiKey ' + ROCKSET_APIKEY},
    sort: 'POST',
    success: operate (knowledge) {
      outcomes = knowledge[0];

      // set the customer rely within the header

      // for every query, show the rely and % for both sides (textual content + bar graph)
      for (var i = 0; i < QUESTIONS.size; i++) {
        let left_count = outcomes['q' + i][1] - outcomes['q' + i][0];
        let right_count = outcomes['q' + i][0];
        let left_pct = (left_count / (left_count + right_count) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
        let right_pct = (right_count / (left_count + right_count) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
        $('#q' + i + ' .left').width(left_pct);
        $('#q' + i + ' .proper').width(right_pct);
        $('#q' + i + ' .left .stats').html('<b>' + left_pct + '</b> (' + left_count + ')');
        $('#q' + i + ' .proper .stats').html('(' + right_count + ') <b>' + right_pct + '</b>');
        $('#q' + i + ' .option-left .option-stats').html('(' + left_pct + ')');
        $('#q' + i + ' .option-right .option-stats').html('(' + right_pct + ')');

Even with tens of hundreds of information factors, this AJAX name returns in round 20ms, so there isn’t any concern executing the question in actual time. In reality, we are able to replace the outcomes, say each second, to offer the numbers a dwell really feel:

setInterval(refreshResults, 1000);

Ending touches

Entry management

We have written all of the logic for sending knowledge to and retrieving knowledge from Rockset on the shopper aspect of our app. Nevertheless, this exposes our absolutely privileged Rockset API key publicly, which in fact is an enormous no-no. It could give anybody full entry to our Rockset account and likewise probably enable a DoS assault. We are able to obtain scoped permissions and request throttling in one in every of two methods:

  • use a restricted Rockset API key
  • use a lambda operate as a proxy

The primary is a function still-in-development at Rockset, so for this app we’ll have to make use of the second.

Let’s transfer the record of questions and the logic that interacts with Rockset to a easy handler in Python, which we’ll deploy as a lambda on AWS:

import json
import os
import requests

APIKEY = os.environ.get('APIKEY') if 'APIKEY' in os.environ else open('APIKEY', 'r').learn().strip()
WORKSPACE = 'demo'
COLLECTION = 'binary_survey'
    ['tabs', 'spaces', 'tabs_spaces'],
    ['vim', 'emacs', 'vim_emacs'],

def questions(occasion, context):
    return {'statusCode': 200, 'headers': {'Entry-Management-Permit-Origin': '*'}, 'physique': json.dumps(QUESTIONS)}

def vote(occasion, context):
    vote = json.hundreds(occasion['body'])
    print({'knowledge': [vote]})
    print(json.dumps({'knowledge': [vote]}))
    r = requests.publish(
        headers={'Authorization': 'ApiKey %s' % APIKEY, 'Content material-Kind': 'utility/json'},
        knowledge=json.dumps({'knowledge': [vote]})
    print(r.textual content)
    return {'statusCode': 200, 'headers': {'Entry-Management-Permit-Origin': '*'}, 'physique': 'okay'}

def outcomes(occasion, context):
    question = 'SELECT '
    columns = [q[2] for q in QUESTIONS]
    for i in vary(len(columns)):
        question += 'ARRAY_CREATE(COUNT_IF("%s"), COUNT("%s")) AS qpercentd, n' % (columns[i], columns[i], i)
    question += 'rely(*) AS complete FROM %s.%s' % (WORKSPACE, COLLECTION)
    r = requests.publish(
        headers={'Authorization': 'ApiKey %s' % APIKEY, 'Content material-Kind': 'utility/json'},
        knowledge=json.dumps({'sql': {'question': question}})
    outcomes = json.hundreds(r.textual content)['results']
    return {'statusCode': 200, 'headers': {'Entry-Management-Permit-Origin': '*'}, 'physique': json.dumps(outcomes)}

Our client-side Javascript can now simply make calls to the lambda endpoints, which is able to act as a relay with the Rockset API.

Including extra questions

A good thing about the way in which we have construct the app is we are able to arbitrarily add extra questions, and the whole lot else will simply work!

    ['tabs', 'spaces', 'tabs_spaces'],
    ['vim', 'emacs', 'vim_emacs'],
    ['frontend', 'backend', 'frontend_backend'],
    ['objects', 'functions', 'object_functional'],
    ['GraphQL', 'REST', 'graphql_rest'],
    ['Angular', 'React', 'angular_react'],
    ['LaCroix', 'Hint', 'lacroix_hint'],
    ['0-indexing', '1-indexing', '0index_1index'],
    ['SQL', 'NoSQL', 'sql_nosql']

Equally, if a customer solely solutions a subset of the questions, no downside—the client-side app and Rockset can deal with lacking values gracefully.

In reality, these circumstances are typically widespread with product analytics, the place you could need to begin monitoring a further attribute on an current occasion or if a person is lacking sure attributes. Since we have constructed this app utilizing a schemaless method, we now have the flexibleness to deal with these conditions.

Rendering and styling

We’ve not absolutely lined the logic but for rendering and styling parts on the DOM. You’ll be able to see the total accomplished supply code right here if you happen to’re curious, however this is a abstract of what is left to do:

  • add some JS to indicate/disguise outcomes and prompts because the customer progresses by way of the survey
  • add some CSS to make the app look good and adapt the structure for cell guests
  • add in a post-survey-completion congratulatory message

And voila, there we now have it! Finish to finish, this app took just some hours to arrange. It required no spinning up servers or pre-configuring databases, and it was straightforward to adapt whereas creating as there was it was simply recording free-form JSON. To date over 2,500 builders have submitted responses and the outcomes are, if nothing else, fascinating to have a look at.

Outcomes, as of the writing of this weblog, are right here. And the supply code is obtainable right here.

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