Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Is there anyway to cease Microsoft Workplace 2016 on macOS prompting for replace?

This appears to have labored for me – extracted this from the ResetUpdateMessage script on @David William’s reply.


sudo /usr/bin/contact -mt $(date "+%Ypercentmpercentd0001") "/Purposes/Microsoft Phrase.app/Contents/Information.plist"


sudo /usr/bin/contact -mt $(date "+%Ypercentmpercentd0001") "/Purposes/Microsoft Excel.app/Contents/Information.plist"


sudo /usr/bin/contact -mt $(date "+%Ypercentmpercentd0001") "/Purposes/Microsoft Powerpoint.app/Contents/Information.plist"

One thread suggests the nag is run after 90 days with out an replace. In that case these instructions will want operating each 90 days. One other thread suggests it’s run after lacking 3 updates.

To schedule with crontab kind sudo crontab -e in Terminal (or iTerm and many others), press i, and enter the next to run this each Wednesday at 2pm:

# min  hour  day_of_month  month  day_of_week  command
0 14 * * 3 sudo /usr/bin/contact -mt $(date "+%Ypercentmpercentd0001") "/Purposes/Microsoft Phrase.app/Contents/Information.plist"
1 14 * * 3 sudo /usr/bin/contact -mt $(date "+%Ypercentmpercentd0001") "/Purposes/Microsoft Excel.app/Contents/Information.plist"
2 14 * * 3 sudo /usr/bin/contact -mt $(date "+%Ypercentmpercentd0001") "/Purposes/Microsoft Powerpoint.app/Contents/Information.plist"

Then press [esc] :wq [Return].

Apple recommends one other option to schedule on MacOS. I discover crontab less complicated. It will not run in case your laptop computer’s off although (options right here) though it solely must run as soon as each few makes an attempt. When you’d moderately solely run month-to-month change 0 14 * * 3 with 0 14 1 * *, however there is not any actual purpose to.

A checkbox in Preferences would have been good!

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