Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Multicloud knowledge lake analytics with Amazon Athena

Many organizations function knowledge lakes spanning a number of cloud knowledge shops. This may very well be for varied causes, resembling enterprise expansions, mergers, or particular cloud supplier preferences for various enterprise models. In these instances, you might have considered trying an built-in question layer to seamlessly run analytical queries throughout these numerous cloud shops and streamline your knowledge analytics processes. With a unified question interface, you possibly can keep away from the complexity of managing a number of question instruments and acquire a holistic view of your knowledge belongings no matter the place the information belongings reside. You possibly can consolidate your analytics workflows, lowering the necessity for in depth tooling and infrastructure administration. This consolidation not solely saves time and sources but in addition allows groups to focus extra on deriving insights from knowledge somewhat than navigating by varied question instruments and interfaces. A unified question interface promotes a holistic view of knowledge belongings by breaking down silos and facilitating seamless entry to knowledge saved throughout totally different cloud knowledge shops. This complete view enhances decision-making capabilities by empowering stakeholders to research knowledge from a number of sources in a unified method, resulting in extra knowledgeable strategic selections.

On this submit, we delve into the methods during which you need to use Amazon Athena connectors to effectively question knowledge information residing throughout Azure Knowledge Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2, Google Cloud Storage (GCS), and Amazon Easy Storage Service (Amazon S3). Moreover, we discover the usage of Athena workgroups and price allocation tags to successfully categorize and analyze the prices related to working analytical queries.

Resolution overview

Think about a fictional firm named Oktank, which manages its knowledge throughout knowledge lakes on Amazon S3, ADLS, and GCS. Oktank needs to have the ability to question any of their cloud knowledge shops and run analytical queries like joins and aggregations throughout the information shops while not having to switch knowledge to an S3 knowledge lake. Oktank additionally needs to determine and analyze the prices related to working analytics queries. To attain this, Oktank envisions a unified knowledge question layer utilizing Athena.

The next diagram illustrates the high-level resolution structure.

Customers run their queries from Athena connecting to particular Athena workgroups. Athena makes use of connectors to federate the queries throughout a number of knowledge sources. On this case, we use the Amazon Athena Azure Synapse connector to question knowledge from ADLS Gen2 by way of Synapse and the Amazon Athena GCS connector for GCS. An Athena connector is an extension of the Athena question engine. When a question runs on a federated knowledge supply utilizing a connector, Athena invokes a number of AWS Lambda capabilities to learn from the information sources in parallel to optimize efficiency. Check with Utilizing Amazon Athena Federated Question for additional particulars. The AWS Glue Knowledge Catalog holds the metadata for Amazon S3 and GCS knowledge.

Within the following sections, we show construct this structure.


Earlier than you configure your sources on AWS, you must arrange the mandatory infrastructure required for this submit in each Azure and GCP. The detailed steps and pointers for creating the sources in Azure and GCP are past the scope of this submit. Check with the respective documentation for particulars. On this part, we offer some fundamental steps wanted to create the sources required for the submit.

You possibly can obtain the pattern knowledge file cust_feedback_v0.csv.

Configure the dataset for Azure

To arrange the pattern dataset for Azure, log in to the Azure portal and add the file to ADLS Gen2. The next screenshot exhibits the file underneath the container blog-container underneath a selected storage account on ADLS Gen2.

Arrange a Synapse workspace in Azure and create an exterior desk in Synapse that factors to the related location. The next instructions supply a foundational information for working the mandatory actions inside the Synapse workspace to create the important sources for this submit. Check with the corresponding Synapse documentation for extra particulars as required.

# Create Database
CREATE DATABASE azure_athena_blog_db
# Create file format
CREATE EXTERNAL FILE FORMAT [SynapseDelimitedTextFormat]

# Create key

# Create Database credential
WITH IDENTITY = 'Managed Id';

# Create Knowledge Supply
CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE athena_blog_datasource
WITH ( LOCATION = 'abfss://blog-container@xxxxxxud1.dfs.core.home windows.web/',
CREDENTIAL = dbscopedCreds

# Create Exterior Desk
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dbo.customer_feedbacks_azure (
[data_key] nvarchar(4000),
[data_load_date] nvarchar(4000),
[data_location] nvarchar(4000),
[product_id] nvarchar(4000),
[customer_email] nvarchar(4000),
[customer_name] nvarchar(4000),
[comment1] nvarchar(4000),
[comment2] nvarchar(4000)
LOCATION = 'cust_feedback_v0.csv',
DATA_SOURCE = athena_blog_datasource,
FILE_FORMAT = [SynapseDelimitedTextFormat]

# Create Consumer
CREATE LOGIN bloguser1 WITH PASSWORD = '****';
CREATE USER bloguser1 FROM LOGIN bloguser1;

# Grant choose on the Schema
GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA::dbo TO [bloguser1];

Be aware down the person identify, password, database identify, and the serverless or devoted SQL endpoint you utilize—you want these within the subsequent steps.

This completes the setup on Azure for the pattern dataset.

Configure the dataset for GCS

To arrange the pattern dataset for GCS, add the file to the GCS bucket.

Create a GCP service account and grant entry to the bucket.

As well as, create a JSON key for the service account. The content material of the hot button is wanted in subsequent steps.

This completes the setup on GCP for our pattern dataset.

Deploy the AWS infrastructure

Now you can run the offered AWS CloudFormation stack to create the answer sources. Determine an AWS Area during which you wish to create the sources and make sure you use the identical Area all through the setup and verifications.

Check with the next desk for the mandatory parameters that it’s essential to present. You possibly can depart different parameters at their default values or modify them in keeping with your requirement.

Parameter Identify Anticipated Worth
AzureSynapseUserName Consumer identify for the Synapse database you created.
AzureSynapsePwd Password for the Synapse database person.

Synapse JDBC URL, within the following format: jdbc:sqlserver://<sqlendpoint>;databaseName=<databasename>

For instance: jdbc:sqlserver://xxxxg-ondemand.sql.azuresynapse.web;databaseName=azure_athena_blog_db

GCSSecretKey Content material from the key key file from GCP.
UserAzureADLSOnlyUserPassword AWS Administration Console password for the Azure-only person. This person can solely question knowledge from ADLS.
UserGCSOnlyUserPassword AWS Administration Console password for the GCS-only person. This person can solely question knowledge from GCP GCS.
UserMultiCloudUserPassword AWS Administration Console password for the multi-cloud person. This person can question knowledge from any of the cloud shops.

The stack provisions the VPC, subnets, S3 buckets, Athena workgroups, and AWS Glue database and tables. It creates two secrets and techniques in AWS Secrets and techniques Supervisor to retailer the GCS secret key and the Synapse person identify and password. You utilize these secrets and techniques when creating the Athena connectors.

The stack additionally creates three AWS Id and Entry Administration (IAM) customers and grants permissions on corresponding Athena workgroups, Athena knowledge sources, and Lambda capabilities: AzureADLSUser, which might run queries on ADLS and Amazon S3, GCPGCSUser, which might question GCS and Amazon S3, and MultiCloudUser, which might question Amazon S3, Azure ADLS Gen2 and GCS knowledge sources. The stack doesn’t create the Athena knowledge supply and Lambda capabilities. You create these in subsequent steps while you create the Athena connectors.

The stack additionally attaches value allocation tags to the Athena workgroups, the secrets and techniques in Secrets and techniques Supervisor, and the S3 buckets. You utilize these tags for value evaluation in subsequent steps.

When the stack deployment is full, be aware the values of the CloudFormation stack outputs, which you utilize in subsequent steps.

Add the knowledge file to the S3 bucket created by the CloudFormation stack. You possibly can retrieve the bucket identify from the worth of the important thing named S3SourceBucket from the stack output. This serves because the S3 knowledge lake knowledge for this submit.

Now you can create the connectors.

Create the Athena Synapse connector

To arrange the Azure Synapse connector, full the next steps:

  1. On the Lambda console, create a brand new software.
  2. Within the Software settings part, enter the values for the corresponding key from the output of the CloudFormation stack, as listed within the following desk.
Property Identify CloudFormation Output Key
SecretNamePrefix AzureSecretName
DefaultConnectionString AzureSynapseConnectorJDBCURL
LambdaFunctionName AzureADLSLambdaFunctionName
SecurityGroupIds SecurityGroupId
SpillBucket AthenaLocationAzure
SubnetIds PrivateSubnetId

  1. Choose the Acknowledgement examine field and select Deploy.

Anticipate the applying to be deployed earlier than continuing to the following step.

Create the Athena GCS connector

To create the Athena GCS connector, full the next steps:

  1. On the Lambda console, create a brand new software.
  2. Within the Software settings part, enter the values for the corresponding key from the output of the CloudFormation stack, as listed within the following desk.
Property Identify CloudFormation Output Key
SpillBucket AthenaLocationGCP
GCSSecretName GCSSecretName
LambdaFunctionName GCSLambdaFunctionName
  1. Choose the Acknowledgement examine field and select Deploy.

For the GCS connector, there are some post-deployment steps to create the AWS Glue database and desk for the GCS knowledge file. On this submit, the CloudFormation stack you deployed earlier already created these sources, so that you don’t need to create it. The stack created an AWS Glue database referred to as oktank_multicloudanalytics_gcp and a desk referred to as customer_feedbacks underneath the database with the required configurations.

Log in to the Lambda console to confirm the Lambda capabilities had been created.

Subsequent, you create the Athena knowledge sources corresponding to those connectors.

Create the Azure knowledge supply

Full the next steps to create your Azure knowledge supply:

  1. On the Athena console, create a brand new knowledge supply.
  2. For Knowledge sources, choose Microsoft Azure Synapse.
  3. Select Subsequent.

  1. For Knowledge supply identify, enter the worth for the AthenaFederatedDataSourceNameForAzure key from the CloudFormation stack output.
  2. Within the Connection particulars part, select Lambda operate you created earlier for Azure.

  1. Select Subsequent, then select Create knowledge supply.

You must be capable of see the related schemas for the Azure exterior database.

Create the GCS knowledge supply

Full the next steps to create your Azure knowledge supply:

  1. On the Athena console, create a brand new knowledge supply.
  2. For Knowledge sources, choose Google Cloud Storage.
  3. Select Subsequent.

  1. For Knowledge supply identify, enter the worth for the AthenaFederatedDataSourceNameForGCS key from the CloudFormation stack output.
  2. Within the Connection particulars part, select Lambda operate you created earlier for GCS.

  1. Select Subsequent, then select Create knowledge supply.

This completes the deployment. Now you can run the multi-cloud queries from Athena.

Question the federated knowledge sources

On this part, we show question the information sources utilizing the ADLS person, GCS person, and multi-cloud person.

Run queries because the ADLS person

The ADLS person can run multi-cloud queries on ADLS Gen2 and Amazon S3 knowledge. Full the next steps:

  1. Get the worth for UserAzureADLSUser from the CloudFormation stack output.

  1. Sign up to the Athena question editor with this person.
  2. Swap the workgroup to athena-mc-analytics-azure-wg within the Athena question editor.

  1. Select Acknowledge to just accept the workgroup settings.

  1. Run the next question to affix the S3 knowledge lake desk to the ADLS knowledge lake desk:
SELECT a.data_load_date as azure_load_date, b.data_key as s3_data_key, a.data_location as azure_data_location FROM "azure_adls_ds"."dbo"."customer_feedbacks_azure" a be a part of "AwsDataCatalog"."oktank_multicloudanalytics_aws"."customer_feedbacks" b ON solid(a.data_key as integer) = b.data_key

Run queries because the GCS person

The GCS person can run multi-cloud queries on GCS and Amazon S3 knowledge. Full the next steps:

  1. Get the worth for UserGCPGCSUser from the CloudFormation stack output.
  2. Sign up to the Athena question editor with this person.
  3. Swap the workgroup to athena-mc-analytics-gcp-wg within the Athena question editor.
  4. Select Acknowledge to just accept the workgroup settings.
  5. Run the next question to affix the S3 knowledge lake desk to the GCS knowledge lake desk:
SELECT a.data_load_date as gcs_load_date, b.data_key as s3_data_key, a.data_location as gcs_data_location FROM "gcp_gcs_ds"."oktank_multicloudanalytics_gcp"."customer_feedbacks" a
be a part of "AwsDataCatalog"."oktank_multicloudanalytics_aws"."customer_feedbacks" b 
ON a.data_key = b.data_key

Run queries because the multi-cloud person

The multi-cloud person can run queries that may entry knowledge from any cloud retailer. Full the next steps:

  1. Get the worth for UserMultiCloudUser from the CloudFormation stack output.
  2. Sign up to the Athena question editor with this person.
  3. Swap the workgroup to athena-mc-analytics-multi-wg within the Athena question editor.
  4. Select Acknowledge to just accept the workgroup settings.
  5. Run the next question to affix knowledge throughout the a number of cloud shops:
SELECT a.data_load_date as adls_load_date, b.data_key as s3_data_key, c.data_location as gcs_data_location 
FROM "azure_adls_ds"."dbo"."CUSTOMER_FEEDBACKS_AZURE" a 
be a part of "AwsDataCatalog"."oktank_multicloudanalytics_aws"."customer_feedbacks" b 
on solid(a.data_key as integer) = b.data_key be a part of "gcp_gcs_ds"."oktank_multicloudanalytics_gcp"."customer_feedbacks" c 
on b.data_key = c.data_key

Value evaluation with value allocation tags

Once you run multi-cloud queries, you must fastidiously contemplate the information switch prices related to every cloud supplier. Check with the corresponding cloud documentation for particulars. The fee reviews highlighted on this part confer with the AWS infrastructure and repair utilization prices. The storage and different related prices with ADLS, Synapse, and GCS should not included.

Let’s see deal with value evaluation for the a number of situations we’ve mentioned.

The CloudFormation stack you deployed earlier added user-defined value allocation tags, as proven within the following screenshot.

Sign up to AWS Billing and Value Administration console and allow these value allocation tags. It could take as much as 24 hours for the fee allocation tags to be out there and mirrored in AWS Value Explorer.

To trace the price of the Lambda capabilities deployed as a part of the GCS and Synapse connectors, you need to use the AWS generated value allocation tags, as proven within the following screenshot.

You need to use these tags on the Billing and Value Administration console to find out the fee per tag. We offer some pattern screenshots for reference. These reviews solely present the price of AWS sources used to entry ADLS Gen2 or GCP GCS. The reviews don’t present the price of GCP or Azure sources.

Athena prices

To view Athena prices, select the tag athena-mc-analytics:athena:workgroup and filter the tags values azure, gcp, and multi.

You may also use workgroups to set limits on the quantity of knowledge every workgroup can course of to trace and management value. For extra info, confer with Utilizing workgroups to regulate question entry and prices and Separate queries and managing prices utilizing Amazon Athena workgroups.

Amazon S3 prices

To view the prices for Amazon S3 storage (Athena question outcomes and spill storage), select the tag athena-mc-analytics:s3:result-spill and filter the tag values azure, gcp, and multi.

Lambda prices

To view the prices for the Lambda capabilities, select the tag aws:cloudformation:stack-name and filter the tag values serverlessepo-AthenaSynapseConnector and serverlessepo-AthenaGCSConnector.

Value allocation tags assist handle and monitor prices successfully while you’re working multi-cloud queries. This may help you monitor, management, and optimize your spending whereas benefiting from the advantages of multi-cloud knowledge analytics.

Clear up

To keep away from incurring additional costs, delete the CloudFormation stacks to delete the sources you provisioned as a part of this submit. There are two further stacks deployed for every connector: serverlessrepo-AthenaGCSConnector and serverlessrepo-AthenaSynapseConnector. Delete all three stacks.


On this submit, we mentioned a complete resolution for organizations trying to implement multi-cloud knowledge lake analytics utilizing Athena, enabling a consolidated view of knowledge throughout numerous cloud knowledge shops and enhancing decision-making capabilities. We centered on querying knowledge lakes throughout Amazon S3, Azure Knowledge Lake Storage Gen2, and Google Cloud Storage utilizing Athena. We demonstrated arrange sources on Azure, GCP, and AWS, together with creating databases, tables, Lambda capabilities, and Athena knowledge sources. We additionally offered directions for querying federated knowledge sources from Athena, demonstrating how one can run multi-cloud queries tailor-made to your particular wants. Lastly, we mentioned value evaluation utilizing AWS value allocation tags.

For additional studying, confer with the next sources:

In regards to the Creator

Shoukat Ghouse is a Senior Huge Knowledge Specialist Options Architect at AWS. He helps clients around the globe construct strong, environment friendly and scalable knowledge platforms on AWS leveraging AWS analytics providers like AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, Amazon Athena and Amazon EMR.

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