Friday, June 28, 2024

GUloader Unmasked: Decrypting the Risk of Malicious SVG Recordsdata

Authored by: Vignesh Dhatchanamoorthy

Within the ever-evolving panorama of cybersecurity threats, staying forward of malicious actors requires a deep understanding of their techniques and instruments. Enter GUloader, a potent weapon within the arsenal of cybercriminals worldwide. This subtle malware loader has garnered consideration for its stealthy strategies and skill to evade detection, posing a major threat to organizations and people.

One in every of GUloader’s distinguishing options is its utilization of evasion strategies, making it significantly difficult for conventional safety measures to detect and mitigate. By way of polymorphic code and encryption, GUloader can dynamically alter its construction, successfully masking its presence from antivirus software program and intrusion detection techniques. This adaptability permits GUloader to persistently infiltrate networks and set up footholds for additional malicious exercise.

McAfee Labs has noticed a latest GUloader marketing campaign being distributed by means of a malicious SVG file delivered through e-mail.

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file format is a extensively used vector picture format designed for describing two-dimensional vector and blended vector/raster graphics in XML. One of many key options of SVG recordsdata is their assist for interactivity and animation, achieved by means of JavaScript and CSS.

Trendy internet browsers corresponding to Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge have built-in assist for rendering SVG recordsdata. While you open an SVG file in Chrome or Firefox, the browser renders the vector graphics utilizing its built-in SVG rendering engine. This engine interprets the XML-based SVG code and shows the picture accordingly on the internet web page.

Browsers deal with SVG recordsdata as commonplace internet content material and deal with them seamlessly inside their searching environments.

Execution Chain

Determine 1: An infection chain

The execution course of begins with the opening of an SVG file from an e-mail attachment. This motion triggers the browser to obtain a ZIP file. Inside this ZIP file is a WSF (Home windows Script File), appearing because the conduit for the following stage. Upon execution of the WSF, wscript calls the PowerShell command to ascertain a reference to a malicious area and execute the hosted content material. This content material consists of shellcode injected into the MSBuild utility, facilitating additional malicious actions.

Determine 2: Course of Tree

Technical Evaluation

A recipient receives a spam e-mail that incorporates malware embedded in archived attachments. The attachment incorporates a malicious SVG file named “dhgle-Skljdf.svg”

Determine 3: Spam Electronic mail

JavaScript that was smuggled inside the SVG picture contained your complete malicious zip archive. When the sufferer opened the attachment from the e-mail the smuggled JavaScript code contained in the SVG picture created a malicious zip archive, after which offered the consumer with a dialog field to decrypt and save the file.

Determine 4: Saving file immediate

The SVG file makes use of a Blob object that incorporates the embedded zip file in base64 format. Subsequently, the zip file is dropped through the browser when accessed.

Determine 5: SVG file code

Contained in the zip file, there may be an obfuscated WSF (Home windows Script File). The WSF script employs a number of strategies to make evaluation fairly tough.

Determine 6: Obfuscated WSF Script

It invokes PowerShell to ascertain a reference to a malicious area, subsequently executing the hosted content material retrieved from it.

Encoded PowerShell

Determine 7: Encoded PowerShell code

After Decoding

Determine 8: Decoded PowerShell code

URL: hxxps://

The URL hosts base64-encoded content material, which, after decoding, incorporates shellcode and a PowerShell script.

Hosted Content material

Determine 9: Hosted Base64 content material

After decoding Base64

Determine 10: Decoded Base64 content material

The above PowerShell script makes an attempt to load the shellcode into the authentic MSBuild course of utilizing the Course of Hollowing method.

After injection, the shellcode executes anti-analysis examine then it modifies the Registry run key to attain persistence.


The ultimate stage makes use of the injected shellcode to obtain and execute the ultimate malicious executable. GuLoader may also obtain and deploy a variety of different malware variants.


Indicator of Compromise (IOCs)

File SHA256/URL
Electronic mail 66b04a8aaa06695fd718a7d1baa19386922b58e797634d5ac4ff96e79584f5c1
SVG b20ea4faca043274bfbb1f52895c02a15cd0c81a333c40de32ed7ddd2b9b60c0
WSF 0a196171571adc8eb9edb164b44b7918f83a8425ec3328d9ebbec14d7e9e5d93
URL hxxps://winderswonders[.]com/JK/Equitably[.]combine

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