Friday, June 28, 2024

Russian Hacker Group ToddyCat Makes use of Superior Instruments for Industrial-Scale Knowledge Theft

Apr 22, 2024NewsroomCommunity Safety / Endpoint Safety

Russian Hacker Group ToddyCat

The menace actor often called ToddyCat has been noticed utilizing a variety of instruments to retain entry to compromised environments and steal beneficial information.

Russian cybersecurity agency Kaspersky characterised the adversary as counting on numerous applications to reap information on an “industrial scale” from primarily governmental organizations, a few of them protection associated, situated within the Asia-Pacific area.

“To gather massive volumes of knowledge from many hosts, attackers must automate the information harvesting course of as a lot as doable, and supply a number of various means to repeatedly entry and monitor methods they assault,” safety researchers Andrey Gunkin, Alexander Fedotov, and Natalya Shornikova mentioned.

ToddyCat was first documented by the corporate in June 2022 in reference to a sequence of cyber assaults aimed toward authorities and army entities in Europe and Asia since at the least December 2020. These intrusions leveraged a passive backdoor dubbed Samurai that enables for distant entry to the compromised host.

A better examination of the menace actor’s tradecraft has since uncovered extra information exfiltration instruments like LoFiSe and Pcexter to collect information and add archive recordsdata to Microsoft OneDrive.


The most recent set of applications entail a mixture of tunneling information gathering software program, that are put to make use of after the attacker has already obtained entry to privileged consumer accounts within the contaminated system. This contains –

  • Reverse SSH tunnel utilizing OpenSSH
  • SoftEther VPN, which is renamed to seemingly innocuous recordsdata like “boot.exe,” “mstime.exe,” “netscan.exe,” and “kaspersky.exe”
  • Ngrok and Krong to encrypt and redirect command-and-control (C2) visitors to a sure port on the goal system
  • FRP shopper, an open-source Golang-based quick reverse proxy
  • Cuthead, a .NET compiled executable to seek for paperwork matching a particular extension or a filename, or the date when they’re modified
  • WAExp, a .NET program to seize information related to the WhatsApp net app and put it aside as an archive, and
  • TomBerBil to extract cookies and credentials from net browsers like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

“The attackers are actively utilizing strategies to bypass defenses in an try and masks their presence within the system,” Kaspersky mentioned.

Russian Hacker Group ToddyCat

“To guard the group’s infrastructure, we advocate including to the firewall denylist the sources and IP addresses of cloud providers that present visitors tunneling. As well as, customers have to be required to keep away from storing passwords of their browsers, because it helps attackers to entry delicate info.”

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