Sunday, July 7, 2024

safety – Operation not permitted even when Terminal has Full Disk Entry

As you possibly can already see within the under textual content out and screenshot of the terminal, every time i attempt to ship a sign to a service i’ve given Not privileged to sign service. and Couldn't kickstart service "": 1: Operation not permitted.

    guru@Gurhans-Mac-mini ~ % launchctl kickstart -k gui/$(id -u)/    
    Couldn't kickstart service "": 1: Operation not permitted
    guru@Gurhans-Mac-mini ~ %                                                                       
    guru@Gurhans-Mac-mini ~ % sudo launchctl kickstart -k gui/$(id -u)/
    Couldn't kickstart service "": 1: Operation not permitted
    guru@Gurhans-Mac-mini ~ % 
    guru@Gurhans-Mac-mini ~ % launchctl kill SIGHUP gui/$(id -u)/     
    Not privileged to sign service.
    guru@Gurhans-Mac-mini ~ % 
    guru@Gurhans-Mac-mini ~ % sudo launchctl kill SIGHUP gui/$(id -u)/
    Not privileged to sign service.
    guru@Gurhans-Mac-mini ~ % 
    guru@Gurhans-Mac-mini ~ %

enter image description here

I’m caught at this level and never capable of do something trigger I’ve already enabled Full Disk Entry for Terminal.

enter image description here

Does anyone have an thought to beat this problem?


Simply to be clear, I’m making an attempt to start out Background Sounds characteristic from terminal

defaults write comfortSoundsEnabled -bool YES
defaults write lastEnablementTimestamp $(date +%s)
launchctl kill SIGHUP gui/$(id -u)/

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